It was exhausting, and I'm glad it's over. Sales sucked, but it sounds like no one did particularly well in that department, and we did learn a lot from the experience. So I guess when all's said and done it was probably all worthwhile. We saw some really cool (and really weird) stuff, and met some really cool people (most notably Nikki and Chris of The Impossible Place). Will we do it again? Probably. Might even visit another state.
Below is day one, before the con opened. Sammi (all dolled up to push the book's noir theme) and I were already a little strung out after a frazzled Friday spent collecting last minute necessities and chasing up overdue deliveries. Perhaps a little of it rubbed off on Nathan. Not that it bothered me; I was perfectly happy for our cash manager to look as intimidating as possible. I think the star of the show was Sammi's bright red Valentine typewriter. Having that at the con was great; it meant we could both contribute to sketches :)

Day 2. The reclusive artist of Valentine's Dei and a less intimidating but more attractive cash manager in Lauren.

And some of the stuff we scribbled across the weekend.